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Are Biden’s Statements Now Leading Us To War With Iran … AND China?

The talking heads that warned us Trump would trigger WWIII are awfully quiet now

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Different presidents have had various different attitudes toward national defence: ‘peace through strength’, ‘speak softly and carry a big stick’, and ‘no better friend, no worse enemy’ exemplify one approach. ‘Lead from behind’ is quite another.

Obama, obviously, is the last one mentioned. Before that were Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, and Trump, respectively.

Biden proclaimed ‘America’s back’ when he took his place behind the (ir)Resolute Desk. But what was America ‘back’ TO?

He’s been in the White House long enough that a picture of his posture as Commander-in-Chief is beginning to form.

Afghanistan was only the beginning of sorrows. He followed that quickly by offering a disastrous permission-slip to Putin by telegraphing that America would stand idly by so long as there was only a ‘minor incursion’ while Putin’s military was massed along the border of Crimea.

Now Joe’s gone and thrown himself into the middle of the Israel crisis where it seems like he’s making a hash of things and getting in the way as Israel tries to take military action against a hostile force of terrorists that conducted a major terrorist operation in Israel, raped and slaughtered at will, and fled home again with hostages from Israel, America, and who knows where else.

That brings us to this week.

With Biden sending our ships into the Middle East, it puts us at some risk of getting drawn into the fight.

Biden’s administration is already making the same mistake Obama made with Syria. He put down a red line and is already backing away from enforcing it.

Blinken’s statement about responding to Iran’s aggression is a prime example of the Biden administration’s suck-and-blow ineptitude.

“Let me say what we’ve consistently said to Iranian officials through other channels: The United States does not seek conflict with Iran, we do not want this war to widen,” Blinken said at Turtle Bay. “But if Iran or its proxies attack US personnel anywhere, make no mistake – we will defend our people, we will defend our security swiftly and decisively.”

Iranian-backed forces have attacked military bases in Iraq and Syria hosting US personnel with drones, missiles and rockets almost daily since Oct. 17, according to the Pentagon.

On Oct. 19, the destroyer USS Carney also downed missiles in the Red Sea that were believed to have been launched by Tehran-supported Houthis in Yemen targeting Israeli territory. — NYPost

We ‘will defend’ our people, he says.


“Between Oct. 17 and [today] U.S. and coalition forces have been attacked at least 10 separate times in Iraq and three separate times in Syria via a mix of one-way attack drones and rockets,” said Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon’s top spokesman. “Those are the initial numbers. We are continuing to work to ensure we get you the facts.”

U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for American military operations in the Middle East, said 24 military personnel sustained minor injuries Oct. 18 in drone attacks at al-Tanf and al Asad. CENTCOM officials said they all quickly returned to duty. That same day at the Syria garrison, an American contractor died of a heart attack and an attack destroyed an aircraft hangar and small airplane.

The Defense Department declined to specifically identify what groups are launching the attacks but said they are supported by Iran.

“We know that the groups conducting these attacks are supported by [Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] and the Iranian regime. What we are seeing is the prospect for more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel across the region in the very near term,” Ryder said. “We know these groups are Iranian proxy groups.” — Stars And Stripes

Our people are already being attacked. Biden is so invested in ‘not escalating’ that he is handing a bully his lunch money. Where’s that tough guy who once boasted he would take people ‘behind the gym’ or that Putin would fear his strength? Because judging by what Iran is saying today, they seem to think much of Biden’s Strength:

While our eyes are on the Pacific, things are getting out of hand off the coast of China.

China’s coast guard just precipitated an international incident by bullying Phillipino ships conducting regular operations in their own waters. Without getting into all the details, China has made a claim on a speck in the ocean that had historically belonged to the Philipines.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck